Points of View

Walls go out, views come in. Indoor & outdoor space expand in this contemporary renovation.

Project details & links to other projects follow images.

Points of View

Ya gotta wonder why the original architect of this home ignored the views and site potential. The entry faced a blank wall. Turn right and hello! there’s the kitchen sink at the end of a hallway. Exterior walls and small windows limited marina views from the living room and master bedroom, yet sliding doors opened onto side decks that looked into neighboring windows. The structure rang with dramatic potential; the interior answered with a dial tone. This Cinderella needed a fairy godmother.

Project Profile

  1. Knock out view blocker walls in the entry. Open the loft with metal railings.

  2. Put in windows & glass doors proportioned to frame and expand the views.

  3. Expand breezeway decking in front to face the waterside..

  4. Expand open space by relocating the fireplace to a side wall.

  5. Convert the unused lower level area to a media & project space. Remove wood stove, add a gas fireplace on a wall.

  6. Enclose the covered patio to create a guest suite.

  7. Hardwood flooring. Kitchen & master bath re-design. New appliances, fixtures, surfaces, lighting, paint.

  8. Develop a more intriguing entry.